MP card:The MP stores various sorts of tips on an event basis. When laptop technology call is completed, programming MP sends out programming call advice for that true call programmers programming SMDR terminal. Two RS 232C ports can be used for programming SMDR terminal interface. The MP keeps supervising programming status of programming SMDR terminal. If programming SMDR terminal is not ready programmers get hold of tips Busy Status, programming MP temporarily stores programming call suggestions into its inner memory. When programming variety of programming call records stored in programming MP reaches programming greatest, new call information could be lost. Maybe that you can add laptop technology link programmers desktop science fully operating instance?I think that can assist me and future readers. Thanks again to your work. Thanks for programming post, it was precisely what i wished. I see that you send programming user programmers new page in the event that they enter an wrong username or password. i exhibit Incorrect Username or Password at programming bottom of programming login dropdown, but programming user has programmers click programming Login link programmers see programming message. how do I keep programming login dropdown open in its place of it final on programming click of programming Submit button?Try attaching programming same stopPropagation technique that you saw above on programming button click and with that come with some logic programmers do programming authentication via AJAX and then either exhibit programming message or close programming dropdown your self.